Chandigarh City

Women sarpanches require to be enhanced empowered

With Haryana panchayat elections approximately the corner, I decided to arrive at out to a few women sarpanches to know their experience. I was curious to know how much they got to add in their respective villages? What was their experience like? What type of response did they obtain from men and women? Was there a difference? How helpful were government officials? What about resources? Were they sensible? How did they get together their day-to-day expenses? Were there funds provisions to do so? Did the new elected women get any training? How did they manage as families in rural areas are mostly male-driven? Who was the real sarpanch in such cases?The communication brought me a lot of insights into things. I was surprised to see women so perceptive. They knew what was needed and what was wrong. They were the perfect faculty for rural managing institutes. But did any institute ever think of co-opting them as power to share what worked and what did not and how they dealt with others to get results? regrettably, no one as they are not formal MBAs.
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