Chandigarh City

Chandigarh airport authority Announced details of winter schedule

In the new schedule, Jet Airways will conduct six flights. The Vistara airlines which is conducting one flight daily to Delhi and have no change in its timings.The Chandigarh Airport Authority announced its winter schedule on tuesday and the changed timings will be execute from October 30.According to the Airport new schedule the first flight will coming at 7.10 am instead of 7.40 am and the last flight will depart at 8.30 pm instead of 7.30 pm.With the winter schedule timings of the airlines was changed.

In new schedule Jet Airways will operate six flights . According to schedule the Jet Airways flight coming at 7.10 am from Delhi and its another flights from Delhi on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday which will coming at 10.35 am and back again at 11.00 am.The flight will operate from Delhi- Chandigarh- Mumbai on Monday and Thursday and would coming at 15.35 pm and take off at 16.20 pm. Another flights will arrive on same time.

The flight 9w will coming at 16.55pm and Take off at 17.20 pm till 10 December and another flight for Bombay to Chandigarh will coming at 11.55 pm and Take off 17.30 pm and take off at 18.00 pm till 27 November.The flight between Delhi-Chandigarh-Delhi operated by Jet will coming at 8.05 pm andTake off at 8.30 pm.

In the new schedule, Indigo’s flight operated between Delhi-Chandigarh-Delhi coming arrive at 7.40 am and depart at 8.10am.The flight on the Bengaluru-Chandigarh-Bengaluru will comoing at 10.00 and Take off at 10.30 and another flight Bombay- Chandigarh will coming at 11.40 and Take off 12.10 am and all days coming on Monday and Thursday.

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