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active 2 years, 7 months agoAsmongold Criticizes Lost Ark Argos Abyssal Raid
Amazon Game Studios and Smilegate have released the wildly popular Korean MMO Lost Ark in the West earlier this month Lost Ark Gold, and since then, players have been creating unique fan art, forming ideal strategies for the various battles that the game has to offer, as well as uncovering secrets within the vast realm of Arkesia. There are some players who have noticed systematic issues in Lost Ark, however, since prominent fan Asmongold has taken to the microphone to denounce Argos Abyssal Raid Argos Abyssal Raid and related issues affecting players.
Popular Twitch streaming player Asmongold recently uploaded an YouTube video detailing some problems that he’s observed regarding Lost Ark’s North American release of Lost Ark and his thoughts on how to fix the problems. One of the main points the YouTube video is focused at includes Lost Ark gear and some pay-to-win mechanics associated with it that are hindering a significant portion of players from gaining access to the end game content like those in the Abyssal raid in Argos. The latest Argos Lost Ark raid requires players to have an item level of 1.370. This is limiting how many players are allowed to play the new raid added with the Lost Ark March update.
During this YouTube video, Asmongold discusses the relative simplicity Lost Ark players have in upgrading their Tier 3 1.300 equipment in the beginning stages however, the speed at which that system begins to slow down after item level 1.340. Asmongold says that this happens around the time Lost Ark players will see less successful upgrades to their equipment, which result in a substantial reduction in materials. Given the amount of materials needed between 1.340 and 1.370, despite being near in level, Asmongold suggests “access to a credit card” can unlock for more dungeons and matchmaking and much more for players.
Lost Ark players who notice lower success in upgrading their items around level 1.350 will find relief when they reach item level 1.370 as it’s easier to upgrade gear using various resources not accessible at that level buy Lost Ark Gold.