• Maxfoot posted an update 5 years, 3 months ago

    Maxfoot MF-19: 20″ Folding Hyper-Smart Ebike:

    More and more people are interested in green transport, choosing Eco-Friendly lifestyle.Electric bike encourages people ride longer distances and be able to keep up with Family & Friends who were more fit.
    Maxfoot MF-19 — the most streamlined foldable eBike in the world!  
    MF-19 can quickly fold when you need some extra room,packs quite the punch when you’re ready for action and adventure.
    We will be launching our ebike on Indiegogo and you will be the first one to get notified. 
    To thank you for your early support, we will also be offering you our limited 
    Super Early Bird offers :  65% OFF.


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