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Aesthetic White Teeth

This term includes all those chemical or mechanical treatments that restore the teeth to their initial brightness, which has been lost over time. There is no perfect white and no treatment can give the enamel a totally candid colour, but today you get excellent results if you use the right products like Crest Whitening Strips UK and in the correct way. The causes of pacification or discoloration are numerous, smoking, food or drink dyes, poor oral hygiene or diseases that affect the enamel, but also drugs and genetic predisposition.

Sometimes the discolorations are only superficial, as happens with excessive consumption of coffee or tobacco. Other times they are deeper, as happens with the prolonged use of some drugs or for dental pathologies.

How long Teeth Whitening should Continue

Generally whitening is always possible but with prior consultation with the Dentist or Hygienist who, in addition to choosing the specific treatment in the studio, will be able to recommend the most suitable home treatment. It is indeed important to consider that whitening treatments are not all the same and some act in a more invasive way than others. Both vital and devitalized teeth can be whitened, although the latter require a longer procedure. It is necessary to clean the teeth before resorting to whitening treatment because the presence of tartar would affect the result.

Different Types of Teeth Whitening

The breakdown is as follows:

professional treatments: more effective, carried out exclusively in the studio by professionals,

Home treatments: to be carried out alone at home following the advice of the dentist and the hygienist and in any case carefully reading the instructions enclosed in the package. It is also possible to resort to a combined treatment, that is a treatment that alternates between study phases and home phases.

Clinical Teeth Whitening

Professional whitening must be performed in the chair by the dentist or by the dental hygienist at dental clinics. It is a procedure that involves the use of highly concentrated chemical agents and dedicated instruments, as well as methodological practices implemented by professionals trained for the use of specific treatments. In most cases, hydrogen peroxide or car amide peroxide-based gels are used together with special UV lamps that enhance the whitening action and promote the action in depth. Professional whitening is undoubtedly more effective than home whitening, both in terms of speed and in terms of results, but it is also more invasive, so it is advisable to choose dental practices that offer a good knowledge of these treatments and guarantee the best possible result by minimizing side effects such as sensitivity and inflammation of the mucous membranes. Home treatment is NOT to be considered an equivalent and cheaper alternative to study treatment, but a do-it-yourself solution that can have 2 objectives:

       Resolve some superficial discolorations

       To maintain the results obtained from a previous study treatment longer

There are several home products, chemical and mechanical, which act to restore brightness to the teeth: mouthwashes, toothbrushes, toothpastes, gels. For superior effectiveness it is advisable to make them act in synergy with each other, making sure to choose products that do not conflict. Also, for this reason the advices of the dentist, the hygienist or in this case also the trusted pharmacist becomes precious. To avoid disappointment, it is important to have 2 awareness about home treatments: they can be dangerous if applied incorrectly, so they must be chosen with the advice of a professional, fail to offer satisfactory results in case of severe discoloration for which professional intervention is required.