The UT Administration wants to control the traffic and make Chandigarh Smart City. For this various ideas has to be considered and try to implement them as soon as possible. Some of the ideas are given below:

  • Build traffic lights at each roundabout: Traffic lights should be added at the roundabouts. So there is not so much traffic is collected at roundabouts it also helps to reduce accidents.
  • Construct Flyovers, encourage Car pooling: A better options to reduce traffic is to build Construct flyovers instead of installing traffic lights when the roundabouts will destroyed. The Administration has tried to encourage people about Car pooling. The idea of even-odd also implemented in Chandigarh.
  • Lay slip roads, stagger office timing: The Administration must have to lay down slip roads and install the traffic lights on each and every individual roundabout may also consider changing and staggering the office hours for different departments of government and educational institutions, besides upgrading local bus service.

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