Shimla capital of Himachal Pradesh and its nearby hills on Wednesday experienced the first snowfall of the season, bringing smiles on the faces of the hotel owners who were hopeful that tourists will visit in large numbers.
“Shimla and its nearby hills have been receiving moderate snowfall since 7 a.m. this (Wednesday) morning. This is the first snowfall of the season in Shimla,” Manmohan Singh, director of the meteorological office here, told IANS.
He said Shimla’s commercial centre The Mall, the historic Ridge and Jakhu hills received good snowfall as compared to lower areas of the city.
“Nearby tourist spots like Kufri, Fagu and Narkanda also experienced good snowfall, turning the hill stations more picturesque,” Singh said.
The season’s first snowfall has brought cheers on the faces of hospitality industry, which was reeling under losses due to lack of snow.