The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) on Friday announced results for the Class X board exam, grades for which were accorded for the first time, as 89.28 per cent candidates cleared the test.

Girls continued to outscore boys in the board exam which will be abolished from next year.

Under the new grading system, the CBSE has introduced a nine-point scale — A1 (91-100 marks), A2 (81-90), B1 (71-80), B2 (61-70), C1 (51-60), C2 (41-50), D (33-40), E1 (21-32) and E2 (20 and below). Those students who obtain the qualifying grades D and above in all subjects will be awarded qualifying certificate. CBSE has done away with the practice of declaring any candidate failed.

A total of 9.02,747 candidates had registered for the board exam held in March this year.More

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