With the rising temperature, Chandigarh is all set to beat the heat with Cotton Fab Exhibition at Kisan Bhawan, Chandigarh. If you are planning a new cool summer look this season don’t forget to attend ongoing exhibition-cum-sale at sector- 35, Kisan Bhawan, Chandigarh.
Here are complete details of the event:
- Date: On-going till March 27, 2017
- Time: 10:30 am to 8:30 pm
- Venue: Kisan Bhawan, Sector 35A, Chandigarh
- Entry fee: Free entry
Attractions of the event
- Bhagalpuri silk from Bihar
- Rajasthani kurtis, salwar- kameez, dupatta, kota fabric & silver jewellery from Rajasthan
- Madurai Cotton from Tamil Nadu
- Kalamkari, Mangalgiri, Pochampally from Andhra Pradesh
- Phulkari, khadi and village industries products from Punjab
- Gujarati prints fabric, kids ethnic ghagra choli from Gujarat
- Suits and shawls from Jammu and Kashmir
So, get yourself ready to flaunt fashion this season with comfort cotton fabric collection from Fab exhibition.