In Chandigarh, second-hand car dealers association of sector7 held a protest on Madhya Marg, blocking traffic for about an hour. On Sunday car dealers start the protest at 11.30 am as they were not allowed by MC officials to display & sell second-hand cars in parking at the rear side of Sector 7 market.
The second-hand car dealers who are selling cars from the parking area of Sector 7 market every Sunday are directed by the MC, Chandigarh to shift to the new site situated at Hallomajra. The dealers refused to shift to new site. During the protest Deputy Commissioner Ajit Balaji Joshi and DSP Jaswinder Singh arrived at Madhya Marg and met the traders and advised protesting dealers to submit their problems and requirements in writing to the proper authorities.
President of the Car Dealer’s Association Gulshan Kumar while giving reason for traders refused to go to Hallomajra said “There are criminal elements in that area, and all our dealings are in cash. We fear for our safety if we shift there. There are also no provisions for offices there. Here we have proper offices where we function from,” also he mentioned that “The number of cars that can be parked at the sites in Hallomajra is around 500. Here we display around 2,000 cars”.
It was a spontaneous protest as these traders have no other livelihood if we they are not allowed to display their cars.