2015 year is the hottest one among last five years for Chandigarh. All records of Nights and days for temperature had broken out this year. In this year June, the temperature was slightly increased by almost 10 degrees from the normal.

The maximum temperature that was recorded as 37.9 degree Celsius, while the normal was recorded in the city is 23.7 degree Celsius in June. Even the average temperature from July to November had also increased by five to six degrees Celsius as compared to the normal temperature of previous years.

In records this was properly mentioned that the temperature recorded in June was between 23 to 25 degrees Celsius while minor difference adapted in the temperature from July to December i.e. 24 to 31 degrees Celsius.

When the temperature compared from January to March of past five years was between 5 and 11 degrees Celsius while this year it was 8 to 14 degrees Celsius. The result of hot weather is not affects only to human beings but also it affects to birds so lesser migratory of birds seen in the city of this season explained by director.

The drastic change adapted in the pattern of various seasons of rain, summer, winter due to changes in the temperature of day and night.


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